Yesterday, was informed by Eddy that we're not going to Genting by today as what had planned at first.
So, I on MSN, was thinking to drag someone out from my friends list.
Chat with "Don't-know-Who" which I though he's my friend, Jamen.
At the same time, I was chatting with Houng.
(Jamen, Houng and I were in same group for Malaysian Studies assignment)
The "Don't-know-Who" asked me to have movie,
and I told him that I'll ask Houng to tag along with us too.
Problem begin:
The "Don't-know-Who" keep asking me who is Houng,
feel weird cause they know each other since 1st semester in college,
It's impossible that Jamen don't know who is him.
and I was so damn "aggressive" to let him know who is Houng.
We debate about 15 minutes, 15 minutes later,
only I realize that I was chatting with a guy named WYMON, but nt JAMEN!
A big sweat on my head. Ooo-Amm-Gee!
So I said,
"Sorry I though U're my friend, U both look so alike..."
Guess what he replied?
"haha, so U not going to have movie with me anymore?"
This is what made me feel worse!
I've rather to commit suicide! It's so damn embarrasing!argh~
Look at both of their photos, they look 95% alike right?!

Please slap Ms Ding to wake her up. ==

Insomnia! can't sleep well.
I slept 5am in the morning yesterday and I woke up 2 hours later.
what's wrong with me?
Dress up and online since I can't sleep any longer.
A date with Houng to hang out together,
Still able to date him out although that I've made the big silly mistake yesterday night.
Went Time Square, after purchased the movie ticket, we have our brunch at Little Taiwan.
Chill out over there, and we chat quite alot. Do enjoy, huhu!

Manyak macam TB! Manyak Sui! XD

forget to mention, we watched "Orphan".

A damn F scary movie. I keep scolding "what the hell" and "what the F" in the cinema.
serious... ... ... I hate this movie, it stress me 99~
when the movie is finally ended, this is what I told Houng
"I've past my longest 2hours in the cinema."
Back home after hang out a lil' while at Time Square.
Mammy and Bro asked me to KLCC Book Fest when I was just reached home,
It's Book Fest, so... ... why not? I love to!
Bro bought quite an amount of books,
He spent about RM200 in the book fest.
I think he's crazy, he bought 2 dessert recipe, 1 meat recipe and 1 Food Guide,
all related to FOOD. Bro, are U hungry?haha... ...
He bought me a new novel too~ Ahahaha! Happy. (=

That's all for today.
Good night
Good night