Finally! I've get two days off in this weekend~
I'm currently work as a fair promoter for around 20 days.
Work as a promoter is really
everyday just keep repeating with the same routine,
facing and answering the same question asked by different customer.
I'll rather suicide if this is my full time job~
luckily it's not! claps*
Oh yea, forget to share what have I been busying with in this month.
I get a job from the Bf's sister, work as a promoter.
My job scope includes:
Promote skin care, inject slimming and we also selling facial treatment voucher.
So... ... whoever that interested with facial, U can just drop me a message here.
I'll chop U if U try to laugh at my Uniform. =(
This is what we normally do when we're bored - FB
Caticlair - the skin care product, and the RM13 facial voucher!!
Come on, it's just RM13, what are U still waiting for?

Yeak came to my work place last Wednesday and we have our lunch together.
Super duper touching that he found the way to IOI Mall!
As you know, it's a hard task for Cheras's people to go Puchong area.
Yester-night, after finish work, it's a date that belong to the Bf and I again.
seriously to say, have been such a long time never relax and enjoy our date.
*although that we meet each other almost everyday! We work together.
While having our dinner at Penang Village,
informed by my friend that result have released.
Foods are no more important at that moment, I was damn-it worry with my result.
I got no confident at all with my PR paper.and... ...guess what!
I pass my past semester! Hip Hip Hooray~ HuHu!!!!
Okay, stop crapping here.

Movie after dinner -
Christmas Carol by Jim Carrey.
Erm, not too bad. U should watch it if U enjoy the atmosphere of Christmas.
Can't wait for the coming Christmas's eve!
I've changed my phone ringtone and message alert to
Christmas song! wtf~
December is gonna be the Cool Cool month!
Last, this is for the Bf,
Have been over-emo for the past few days, and I know I've trouble U a lot.
S - O - R - R - Y
The way he treat me good is just a lil' bit different from the others.
See, I know what U trying to tell me that day. HeHe... ...
I know U love me babe~ =)
Next post, guess who's wedding is it? hehehehehe~
I wore skirt that day!
*U should: "WoW~" haha... ...
Hint: Of course it's not my Bro's wedding larh~