Classes, Assignments, uncountable Reports and Review... ...
apart from studies, joined Uni dodge ball's Cheer Leading,
which is so happening now in our Uni.
songs edit, practice, new dance steps, and bla... ...
Have lotsa fun with the bitches,
never feel that happy before for joining school's curriculum.
It's because I'm enjoying what I'm doing now - D.ance
though I'm still a noobie. teehee
"We are not Pro, but we are not Last" quoted by Cass. *Like*
Illness not forgotten to visit me during this busy period,
Having serious gastric that causes me 38.5 fever. Gan Jeong!
Thanks to tummy-ache, dizzy-ness and vomiting take turns for torturing me.
Billion Thanks for making my weight drop drop drop and drop!
Shouldn't happy for it, because my mom's friend said that I look like the girl who advertise in "Yang Ming Jiu" advertisement, the girl who waiting Taxi. U got me??! Sigh! = =
A week later, which is right after cheer leading final,
have to fight for my 2 months plus "semi" co-op,
I named it "semi" co-op cause I've choose to work with the bf's sis,
which has better wages than co-op offered.
So STRESS~~~~~~~~~~~! phew*
Got so many to update,
bout my Anniversary date, Mid Autumn celebration, Cheer Leading, and...
goshhhhh... ... my posts are all aging!
Just wait and Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee