Another lie revealed, this time with a different feeling.
A feeling of giving up. A feeling of being a 3rd party.
Am I really that strong?
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sense of Relieve
With the same nightmare over and over again since I knew the truth 2 years ago.
A boy and a girl dancing following the rhythm, on the dance floor.
The guy, with the face I know him so much, hug and kiss the girl gently, on the dance floor.
Short, yet detail dream. She’s not me.
“On the dance floor, On the dance floor, On the dance floor…”
How can I forget the scene when songs written nowadays keep on repeating the word “On the dance floor” over and over again!
Guhhhhhhhhhhh. Perhaps, dream of me, jumping off from the building, splash, and die…
would make me feel better. Relieve.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

however, my existent in this event seems kinda weird.
With my sincere smile, in return with a sincere relationship too?