Lots of thing wanna share with you guys....
My CNY....quite satisfied with it...teehee...
I'm so lazy to type everything out...
let the photo tell the routine....
25/1 (CNY eve)
crazy firecrackers day...
Well....I reached my grandma home around 10pm,
once I step into the dining room,
My cute little grandma shout my name...and also my brother
"JIA! BOY! come here!"
(of course in "fu zhou" language,not English..==)
.......both of us-stunt........
"want angpao?"(of course I want,grandma!!!)
.......we speechless.......
"greet me in "fu zhou" language,then I give you!"
......what the HELL!!......
a special year to me,challenge before you get angpao...
okay..both of us stand in front my grandma for almost 10 minute!
yelling for S.O.S!
the result is,
I learned the word...(read it!!!)
giong hee huat zai,
miang siek dong dong!
which mean: Gong Xi Fa Chai, stay younger and younger..
(something like that la~~)
o goshh...kill me please!
I laugh when I saw him...look like~~penagih dadah! muahaha
This is so called: RED pollutant!26/1 (1st day)angpao dayquite bored for this year....
first time I feel my CNY so MORAL!
no gamble...no wine...BLA~
just.....eat lo~fat like PIG!!!!

me @ my cousin (mammy said MUST wear RED!sigh~)27/1 (2nd day)Morning session,mammy busy for lunch...
now you know why I'm so crazy???because of HER's gene!!daddy busy with the fresh soy using the most traditional way...
no 6 pax?
they enjoy making soya bean~Noon session,hang around at the only shopping center in Perak--the store

yea..we love cam whoreNight session,after supper...
we went Lumut port around 1 midnight...
the view were so awesome!!!
too bad...no twinkle star~~TT
hug tree is good for your health!so...hug more~
don't jump
Ignore our foolish pose
My blur family
the cute family
28/1 (3rd day)
all drunk~
the only shop that selling wine in Pangkor...><
the must...GAMBLE!!!went back to the beach near our resort around 1.00am to look at the star!!!
OMG!!!that was really very damn freaky great view...
I will miss it~so damn much!
I know it was fake...just try to imagine there are thousand star in the sky

Keat @ ME
Loong @ ME
RuiXin,ChunTing,Me,Xinne,JunMei(from the left)
Elsen-"support Tiger!"
Wondering why he like this photo so much...sigh
Bobby @ ME
Twinkle Twinkle little star~~
He drunk!!!!!!!
International dance?
29/1 (4th day)
woke up on 6am
After finish prepared...
say Bubye to pangkor....

and now...I were here...
Back to K.L
**going to ceong k and movie tomorrow!!!!muax~