a brand new day of 2009,
bye bye 2008.....
wish all the best in my 2009!!!
well....just get my first semester result,
very very very fortunate...i pass four out of five subject,
and one more subject--Algebra & Trigonometry, I haven't get the result yet...
Ms Fong!!!High efficiency please!!!!!!!!!!!!! make me tension la wei!!!
Yesterday, went out with Brutta gang to celebrate deng's birthday,
finally 18!!!welcome teens to your life...haha....
reach Time Square around 2 something,
take our brunch at KFC,
then headed to cinema buy movie ticket--Ip Man...

(I always pronounce it as = I.P man, macam iron man..lol)
we decided to go for bowling before our movie begin ,which is on 4.40pm...

I get the lowest mark among them.....><
just forget bout it...nah nah nah~
ip man...a very awesome movie...
I never watch such a Kung Fu movie that can touch my feeling so deep!!!!
no wonder lots of my friend told me they watched 2nd or even 3rd time for this movie!
feel wanna watch it again..anyone? geegee...
after the movie ended, went Leisure Mall fetch Shirley,
then depart to Ulu Langat on around 8!
we were late!traffic jam everywhere!!grrrrrr......
fortunately...I'm not the driver...phew..
pity deng...pity birthday boy...be our driver for a whole bustle day!
on the way to the hill, all way long without lampstandard...so dark!
Shirley told us that ulu langat was the highest rate to get accidents,
and they started to talk about ghost story....xX
Deng suddenly stop his humour and became so serious when driving...
he said...he feel something around us.....
quite...........scary la wei...
I always believe he got the "sixth sense"~
.....shhhhhh...keep quiet although u really see "those thing"..please....><
around 8.30, we reached SAFETY!thankx GOD!
Bread and Olive....FULLY BOOKED
Look Out Point....plenty of them queue up for seat....
o no no no no no no no no no no no no no........
we need to wait for a table that can fix 9 us....haiz.....
9.30pm....finally we get our seat!
we have to eat in very slow motion and gentle way...
since we got another 2 hour to go before 12am....
this is the first time I see Beng eat his meal for such a long time....
and also this is the first time I see him eat not more than 1 set of meal...
cause the price really.....over bajet.....
I start my meal on 9.40pm...
guess what is the time when I finish my meal??---11.10pm
from dinner to supper....sigh....
then is cake session for the birthday boy....
all the light switched off....
birthday song played...
all the peoples in the restaurant sing birthday song together....whistling....
everyone was quite fly high at the moment....haha...
11.30am...went up top to the hill...
searching for empty place that suitable to see fireworks...
crowded everywhere....sigh...
and.....we get the best ever idea....step up to the pillar....
I was crude enough, jump up to the pillar althought that I was wearing skirt....><
yea.....the fireworks was spectacularity...yoohoooo.....
feel wanna scream~~~keke...
The time when we went back.....freaky jam~~~~

12.10am we get in car,
1am....still at the same place--get stuck in the carpark....
2am only I reached home....phew...xX
~~~~Happy New Year Everyone~~~~

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