~Happy Birthday to ma BuBby~

Just came back from Restaurant Kam Kitchen
Planned with my brother to treat my dad a dinner as his birthday present..
sorry daddy,didn't buy you anything....
keep thinking what my daddy may needs:
Watch--RM1000++, how come I affort to pay that 4-digits-number?
Tie-- funny....can't imagine my daddy wear a tie
Cloths-- He got lots!
Wallet-- He got a perfect one!><
Belt-- I bought it last few years ago, now still keep in a very good condition inside the cupboard!==
Maybe RED underwear???muahaha....
mission impossible~my mom might chop me if I really buy it for my dad...XD
To conclude,I got no idea what to buy for him..
so better treat him a yummy dinner...
I like this so much...
yeepeee yeah yeah~~
tomorrow is my big days!!!
I'm going to work at A-mei concert!!

reasonable salary payment,
with free concert,and free dinner
I'm not her fans...
听海,牵手 & Bad Boy
the only three songs I know it well...
can't wait for tomorrow..
going to work together with a big gang of THEM!!!
all "kaki lang"! wahahahahahahaha...
thanks Shirley for introduce such a good job!!
hope...everything will go very smooth and success tomorrow!
pray for me!!

Just came back from Restaurant Kam Kitchen
Planned with my brother to treat my dad a dinner as his birthday present..
sorry daddy,didn't buy you anything....
keep thinking what my daddy may needs:
Watch--RM1000++, how come I affort to pay that 4-digits-number?
Tie-- funny....can't imagine my daddy wear a tie
Cloths-- He got lots!
Wallet-- He got a perfect one!><
Belt-- I bought it last few years ago, now still keep in a very good condition inside the cupboard!==
Maybe RED underwear???muahaha....
mission impossible~my mom might chop me if I really buy it for my dad...XD
To conclude,I got no idea what to buy for him..
so better treat him a yummy dinner...
yeepeee yeah yeah~~
tomorrow is my big days!!!
I'm going to work at A-mei concert!!

reasonable salary payment,
with free concert,and free dinner
I'm not her fans...
听海,牵手 & Bad Boy
the only three songs I know it well...
can't wait for tomorrow..
going to work together with a big gang of THEM!!!
all "kaki lang"! wahahahahahahaha...
thanks Shirley for introduce such a good job!!
hope...everything will go very smooth and success tomorrow!
pray for me!!
Is time to sleep!!
Good night everyone...
enjoy the coming weekend guys!!^^
to the special YOU,
enjoy your trip at Malaysia!!
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