17/04/09 Friday
Mun Jun phone call shock me up...@@
Daddy not at home...
Bro not at home...
Mammy not at home...
no body in the house...feel kinda lonely...
thanks for Mr.Dan willing to fetch me out for my brunch,
if not, my brunch will end up with a bowl of Maggi Mee...
really thanks alot...
so, for our brunch we went back to Connaught Mc.D again...
no school also go back Connaught....
there's really something wrong with us~
Have my brunch, Fui, MunJun and Heng join us too...
plan something about what to do on this coming Sem Break..
huhuhu...extremely excited for it!
after that, Mr Dan fetch me to Pantai Hospital,
is time to visit my mammy....
Brought my C.S notes along,
chat with my mammy and studying with nothing go inside my brain..
Brain totally get stuck...blank!Argghhhh...
So, mission failed today....
didn't study anything for Monday paper...
around 4pm, headed back home to prepare myself...
going Pavilion with AD for movie tonight...
before movie begin,
went MOF for ice-cream and chit chat around...
(yea..I know more about you...but..that's not a good news for me...what to do?)
Strawberry Sundae is always my first choice!
sharp 8pm,
Knowing-- a very dissapointed movie for me...

SoSo lo....Not really good,but not that bad also....
A question asked by AD:
What will you do if you know the end of the world is on tomorrow?
my answer: I will go LV, get all the bags I dream to have!
innocent answer....
but serious,I'm still thinking about the answer for this question now...
What I will do???
the scientist predict the end of the world is on year 2012...
not a joke....check it up...
just type 2012 then you can get all the information...
that's really scary after read the news....
Save The World
Mun Jun phone call shock me up...@@
Daddy not at home...
Bro not at home...
Mammy not at home...
no body in the house...feel kinda lonely...
thanks for Mr.Dan willing to fetch me out for my brunch,
if not, my brunch will end up with a bowl of Maggi Mee...
really thanks alot...
so, for our brunch we went back to Connaught Mc.D again...
no school also go back Connaught....
there's really something wrong with us~
Have my brunch, Fui, MunJun and Heng join us too...
plan something about what to do on this coming Sem Break..
huhuhu...extremely excited for it!
after that, Mr Dan fetch me to Pantai Hospital,
is time to visit my mammy....
Brought my C.S notes along,
chat with my mammy and studying with nothing go inside my brain..
Brain totally get stuck...blank!Argghhhh...
So, mission failed today....
didn't study anything for Monday paper...
around 4pm, headed back home to prepare myself...
going Pavilion with AD for movie tonight...
before movie begin,
went MOF for ice-cream and chit chat around...
(yea..I know more about you...but..that's not a good news for me...what to do?)
sharp 8pm,
Knowing-- a very dissapointed movie for me...

SoSo lo....Not really good,but not that bad also....
A question asked by AD:
What will you do if you know the end of the world is on tomorrow?
my answer: I will go LV, get all the bags I dream to have!
innocent answer....
but serious,I'm still thinking about the answer for this question now...
What I will do???
the scientist predict the end of the world is on year 2012...
not a joke....check it up...
just type 2012 then you can get all the information...
that's really scary after read the news....
Save The World
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