Yesterday -- 21/05/09
not a good day as what I expect~hmmm...
attend for Malaysia Studies class at 2pm,
we purposely late for the class:
-class start on 2pm, the guys pool until 2pm something...
-purposely walk slowly...
-stop by auntie there to get ourselves some drinks...
-wait for lift, no matter how many round we need to wait for...
(usually, we will decide to walk up by stair if we miss once)
this is all because of >>>>>
"Mr.Hassan, I got no idea what were you
bull shitting in the class!"
AND...I were photo-capturing in Malaysia Studies class
NO ONE willing to pay attention in the Malaysia Studies class!!
photo prove everything!
somemore, the lecturer ask us to answer a question with 50 to 60 words,
what the...... main point: by using BAHASA MALAYSIA!
my english is sux, so do my bahasa malaysia!
Don't force me to skip your next class!grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
after class ended,
MJ brought us to NZX,
I only realized the place name after I saw the Full House restaurant!
such a big surprise for me~~
the place is full with Disney's cartoon character!
I saw mr. Donald Duck, mr. Goofy, ms. Minnie and ...
I like this arghh~~
but too bad..we were running out of time...
time not allow me to take all the photo of THEM~
what a waste!
I were rush in time...why say so:
our school having a friendly basketball match on 8pm to 10pm yesterday...
which UCSI team versus USA team
(yea...they're all from USA!)
I have been years never watch a basketball match in live,
I were really excited for the match....
we were at NZX around 7 something,
and we try to rush back for the match....
too bad...I still miss it....
the match already end when I get back to school,
you never know how I felt at the moment!
I'm damn-it dissapointed~
(MJ don't blame yourself! no offense please!)
as what MJ said: opportunity cost?
It's a word that found in Economic studies,
which means choose 1 in 2~! I want both!
I want NZX
and basketball match TOO!
can't I just get both of it?!
life just not allow us to fullfill with everything we wish to get...
allah~ I talking crap with my prinsip-prinsip again...
continue my article,
I'd mentioned Full House just now right?
we went there for our dinner,
a restaurant with awesome environment,
the foods taste good too...
the theme of the restaurant just let us felt so~~ relax!
(I meant..erm..relax for me lah~~ I don't know how they felt..)
Eunice @ ME
So....we argue for nothing last night,
Don't know what the hell was happening~
my mood was damn frustrated cause I miss the match....
and him...hmm.....I still don't know what actually made him feel angry~
whatever....we are now back to the usual-we again...haha...
SETTLED!weeee...... C=
I nearly get gastric everyday
what the "fun" is happening?
what the "fun" is happening?
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