Transformer again with MJ and Alex at Leisure Mall,
no doubt. Still a very nice movie although had watched it for twice.
I just so in Love with the soundtracks,
that is the reason why I changed my song to "21 Guns" by Greenday.
(the song played when Shia LaBeof kissing with Megan Fox. Owrh! so sweet!)
Hmm. just settled my part for Malaysian Studies assignment.
What's next?U think there is relaxation after 1 assignment done?
No Way! There is about 3 more!
most probably, will get my part to do for Economic assignment by tomorrow.
"Hey leader, can U just forget about me, and ter-write my name in the final submission?"
I'm dreaming. Yea, again~
Assignment messed my mental.
I think I better go for a body check up~
I'm wondering how come this semester can be so busy compared with past-semester?
Okay. Stop dreaming ,wondering either.
so now, what I need to do is compile and slides for E.F presentation.
Steady go Lucky.
goshhhhh. I'm nagging again.
Stop acting like my mom.
Stop acting like my mom.
Peace (=