It's Lovely Saturday
It suppose to be my Sleeping-day,
but then I woke up at 10am in this morning...
This is all because I've an important date with
my English Foundation's classmate and LECTURER!
I know it may sounds weird to go out with lecturer..
but...everything goes quite smooth...
Meet up at UCSI at 11.30am and headed to Midvalley,
thanks Ms Jenny's friends to be the driver of the day!hehe...
It's public holiday,
and all Malaysian was like decided to watch movie today!
Cinema packed with peoples~~~
after purchased our movie ticket,
we went Rak Thai to have our brunch...
oh yea....It's Thai foods!!woohooo~I'm thai foods lover!!
(Japan's Foods and Dessert lover too!)
Erm, something happened that really made me felt so embarrassed...
once the food arrive,
they ask me:" want take the food's photo?"
they said my blog's photo were all majority in foods...
haha..should I change my bad habit?
(with only two prawns...seafood?==)
Movie started at 1:30pm,
Monsters VS Aliens in 3D

(RM17 per ticket..whoootss~)
erm...not really like this movie....
how to say....quite bored...
and...all the funny parts just focus on Bob
(you know? ....the blue jelly?)
Some photo we took before we back:
That's it
our very first date!
and my very first experience to have movie with ma lecturer~
guess the second,third and following date will coming soon right?!hehe...
Sing for the next date?come on!
Lets go!!!huhu~
guess today will be the last day for entertain myself till my mid term end,
Is time to turn on my study engine again..
no more hang out!
no more shopping!
no more entertainment!
but, what to do?
There is lots of movie "queue-ing up" to show in cinema soon!!sob sob.
Study Study Study
Account for the first
Economic for the next
anyone wanna join me for study
on Tuesday at Wong Kok?
I'm serious
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