A summary for my past week,
class ended early cause Jasmine was feeling unwell,
pretty early, only 10am something,
so, after met up MJ, we called Eunice and it was outing for us again,
brunch at somewhere near school Yaacob Latif - Yong Tao Fu,Nice one!
then to Pavillion to accompany Eunice to get her dress.
Free in the morning cause no class for English Foundation,
but still went out early,
went Tai Ji Yuen with MJ to get my lovely mini eggtart

after that, went Midvalley for movie - 17 Again
goshh.. I'm so in love with Zac Efron!

Back to UCSI after movie to attend Malaysian Studies,
what a boring ending for the day~
Yum cha with Brutta gang at night, MJ join us too.
no doubt, still a big happy family. I heart them a lot!
Brunch with my brother and his friend tagged along with us,
to Yaakob Latif again for Yong Taufu,
we took almost 1 hour to go there due to the stupid traffic jam in KL!

Night time,
attend a farewell party at Taman Billion,
Wen Er gonna leave us for 5years to Kedah!
wulala...It's 5 years! 1825 days! 5years later, I'm 24!
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