HoHoHo~ Merry X'mas.
Everyone is so anticipating for this day to arrive I think,
same to me too, but... ...haha~ still the same.
Put too high expectation for the celebration,
and what I get is disappointment and boredom~
I'm the failure planner! Boooooooo Me... ... Haiz!
I start to hate December! Bull Shyt~
No more countdown, I won't join any countdown event anymore!
I mean It !!!
Okay back to topic, no more craps.
Dated with Rachel, the long-time-no-see jimui, and Yeak, the bff yesterday,
we went Greenbox! Hualala~ My fav! I mean... ...Our Fav!
2 months without sing K really kill me,
1st, my voice sounds damn suckx~
2nd, so outdated because I felt so strange with most of the songs in the "Hit" Chart.
But still, we've lots of fun in th K room!

Hang around after that, shop around to buy ourselves Christmas's present.
(an excuse to spend money... ... LoL!)
Oh yea, we took sticker photo too! wahaha~ a very memorable moment!
I don't even remember when is the last time I took with them~

Went back home around 5-ish to prepare for next outing - Christmas's eve celebration.
brought the guys and the BF to Bukit Bintang to have our dinner,
it's a restaurant a.k.a bar which named "Twenty One Kitchen + Bar".

SuYi: "U try to court other girls, I... ... ..."
Loong: "NoNoNo! I didn't!"

He not feeling well that night, sob. =(
Foods and drinks is just so-so only,
so... ...I don't recommend U guys to go.
I actually found this restaurant in Sister magazine, the pictures attracted me,
who knows? this is to warn U don't judge a book with it's cover. LoL!
so... ...I don't recommend U guys to go.
I actually found this restaurant in Sister magazine, the pictures attracted me,
who knows? this is to warn U don't judge a book with it's cover. LoL!
Off to SS II Sri Murni for our next stop,
yumcha and the guys have their supper there.
that's all for my Christmas's eve celebration.
Mammy woke me up early in the morning,it's 25th of Dec again,
nearly forget that it's the date which our house will have Gotong Royong.
I got no idea why must it held on Christmas every year~ sweat!
Anyway, I threw away lotsa old stuff of mine,
it's new year 6 more days from now,
is time to get something new and throw away the old.
I'm so dead now~ Bloody tired!
Seriously need to recharge my energy. Ciaoz~
Merry X'mas Peeps!
1 comment:
babe changed the new address,
everything is new beginning.
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