Aloha! Finally back to KL~ the best place in Malaysia!
No Internet Connection, no line In my hometown, Sitiawan!
argh~~~ can't even sms when I'm bored! Dulan~
13rd February 2010 (the day before 年初一)
the day I went back to Sitiawan,
everyone was so busy with their fireworks once the clock strike 12!
Great, awesome view! and the air is seriously polluted!
and I feel that this is the best among the others,
although that it's blur~
my very first time to see this kind of fireworks!
what should I named it?
Fireworks on the ground? Romantic giler!
we're actually trying to write my name, JW,
but failed to do so. Sienz~
14th February 2010 (大年初一)
Have to wait for my mammy to complete her task every year,
which is prepare meal which enough to serve 20 peoples++
but every year they took time about 5 to 6 hours to prepare our lunch.
this is so called 背后的女人!
and some of them already drunk~
come on, it's only 3pm in the noon! So embarrasing! LoL!
he was actually kissing my dad's face that time,
but I miss to snap that part!
so GAY! yiakssss~
then my bro and I start taking photo by using DSLR.
Try to enlarge this photo,
U can clearly see the ant's face! Yiaksss~
okay, this is not national geography chanel. Stop~
15th February 2010 (年初二)
went to celebrate my Grandma's 70th Birthday at night with the big brunch,
they've reserved 3 table last few months ago, damn kua jeong!
after all, we went to sing K at Ling Yi's house at mid of the night,
muahaha~ needless to say, the best part among all the CNY activities!
16th February 2010 (年初三)
nothing special to talk about what happened that day,
weather is still that hot~ and they still gambling like nobody business!
At night, we light up the wishing lantern!
My very first time~~~
I used to think that it need great effort to light it up,
and... ...I admit that it's bit childish larh~ LoL
But then, after we tried it,
WoW~ a great experience thou!
I gamble everyday! muahaha~
in the end, I just won 10 bucks~ Sakai betul!
AND, not forgot to say,
the weather in my hometown rise up to 36.6 degree Celsius!
Damn! is like staying in an oven!
okay la, I think I complaint too much~ Teeheeee~
tomorrow is gonna be another awesome day! Yeahpiiiiii~
see... ...I'm back to positive because of CNY!
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