Struggling for a new environment for further study,
Taylor, Sunway, Segi, Tarc, whatever... ...
I start to get boring and demotivating in UCSI.
just wanna get far far far away from it, like disappear forever from there.
I'm thirst for friend, but in fact, I'm not good in socializing.
Sometime... ...
I realized that U give your "sincere" friend your heart,
but they actually don't put a damn on it.
In short it means:
"U give them your heart, they give U their shyt."
Don't know wtf is in my mind now.
Everything just turned up side down,
don't ya see the difference how much I've changed?
Well, I should stop complaining.
Don't get offensive
Hey girl, I think I'm thirst for friends too.
You still have some BFF, secondary best friends, LOL...Yet I can see you always sweet with ur bf, haha.
But me, I've nothing after my secondary school. No friends, no true one beside until now. All means friend but not close and can't chat. I left only my bf but we always get to argue situation. T___T"
Cheer up girl, you're still young right. And yeah~ pretty girl should be always smilling. xoxo!! Cheers~*
hey dear...every thing will be fine.
let's think with positive way^^
jia you,jia you,jia you~
all the best for u.
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