Merdeka day = Holiday = Parents Offday = Family Day.
Mammy wake me up at 12.30pm in the noon,
was still covered myself with blanket. So tired~
Its a nice and cool weather to sleep... ...
After everyone was done, daddy brought us to Sunway.
Have been quite a time never hang out with my family like today.
Quite enjoy with my day.
Went Bar.B.Q to have our lunch, Don't really like this restaurant.
But what to do, daddy suggested it. So, I just followed.

After lunch, hang around, and we went back at 6 something.
It's like "a-must-buy" every time we came Sunway.
It's so yummy and they like it so much.

So HOOPY! cause I've finally bought a new Casio.
A quite classic model watch I've bought.
I'm definitely a Casio-Lover!!!!
Not happy, is Hoopy. upgraded from Happy. haha~
So, can U feel how happy am I?Ahahaha~
I love Casio just like how much I going to love my future-husband! XD
*Suppose to update on yesterday night.
But my house area here was once again out of electricity supply.
Hello, TNB! this is the second time within August! what-the-Hell~
Due to this, I went to bed so early yesterday,I slept on 9.30pm.
BAGUS! I should thanks TNB... ... ==
Wanna get my life busier! Make it comes true!
Go Go Go~ No FFK is allowed!!!!
Many plans are on truck, in progressing... ...
Can't wait for this Friday!
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