put it cause I got no idea what title should I named for this post.

Went for interview at 2pm, suppose Houng said will fetch me on 1.45pm.
but due to the traffic jam, I took a cab to Leisure Mall by myself.
About interview, what to say... ... erm, kinda stress actually,
the lady boss was like going to kill me anytime,
I mean the way she talks, the way she interview me, bla bla... ...
don't think I can get this job. sad case! cause of my inflexible study time,
and she keep asking me to work at least 4days in a week?
Maybe I should go for Sampling job? hmmm... ... I need money! A lot of it~
Headed to Midvalley after that, a date with Houng again,
straight went to cinema to purchase movie ticket once we reached there,
Midvalley is so~ crowded yesterday! queued up about half hour just to buy the ticket.

Watched "I love You, Beth Cooper". Rate:4/10
not a very good movie, the storyline is good, but... ...with too many dialogue.
Talk too much, that nearly to doze me off! LoL
After movie, both of us were struggling where to have our dinner,
serious, we discuss about 1 hour, but in the end come out with nothing. Stunt!
So, the final decision, we went back to Connaught,
and we have our dinner at A Tan Cafe that we never try before.

what to describe about this Cafe? Overall is okay, Rate: 8.5/10
hmm... ... the environment is good and comfort,
food is with reasonable price and taste good, staff is friendly.
this cafe gonna be the new place that we'll lepak always! hehe... ...
*yea yea yea~ is about movie and foods again.
U can leave now... ... ...
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