attended dance lesson as usual,
erm... ...what so special about that day lesson?
- our teacher participate in Maison's hip hop dance competition,
and she has successfully enter to semi-final. Pro!
Look at her shoes, cute kan? I know~
she bought it from Taiwan, , price RM100+
just look so alike as Rubber Duck's shoes design,
but it's much more expensive if compared.
Rubber Duck costs 100.00 USD! o.O
Pissed me off! I wanna get one!!!!!!! Damn Chio~

For more information, please click on the picture above to proceed to Rubber Duck Official Website.
- Cathryn, SuHui, and the surprise guest - Joverce join Bell and I.
they've paid and decided to learn New Jazz with us too!
our gang is becoming bigger and bigger! woots~
Wednesday, the day before yesterday.
after class ended around 2ish,
off to Sg Wang and Pavilion with Eunice,
did some shopping spree there,
thanks god, finally I get myself something but not empty hand!
went night market with the Bf,
headed to Gilly Cafe after that,
main task is to complete my drawing for Visual Comm,
so that I can pass it up by yesterday.
and... ...ahem* due to the lacking of idea in mind,
we did some very "artistic" art work on legs! Lmao~
Thursday, Yesterday.
Have my very first PoP-Quiz for the subject - Intro to Ads.
Normally, I'll probably feel Gan Jeong, tension, stress, and going-to-faint-anytime if I heard the word "POP Quiz"
but, today. When teacher told us that Quiz will be giving by today,
I just felt wanna finish it as fast as possible, no stress, no Gan Jeong,
I just wrote a 1 page long shyt essay and pass it up without double-check.
Owrh, this is showing that I've used to the very elastic college life.
haha~ Congratez and Good Luck!
橡膠鴨子鞋只給女生穿的嗎? 好特別哦~
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