Hola!! Finally I've done with my blog renovation.
yeap, New year, New blogskin, New life, New wish list, New needs and wants.
My blog is so Pink in color now~
tell me! tell me! Tell me that U like my new blogskin.
Don't tell me that the previous one is better than this, please!
accept the fact that I've "changed"~ Muahaha!
31st of December bring the day to the end of the year.
what have U did so far in year 2009? time past flies~ even faster than lightning!
when people ask me how old am I, I will be answering "20"!
it's 20! Twen-ty! No more n-teen!
what's that mean? I'm not longer a teen-ager? how sad!
I've just past my 19th birthday about 30 days ago,
and I've to accept the fact that I'm 20 now. Cruel~
I'm 30 in year 2020! My god~
goshhhhhh... ...I'm so agitate with my age~
Yesterday, 311209 was our 100th days anniversary.
we have gone through 100th days relationship... ...
The 99th day was not a good day for both of us, we quarrel.
a real big quarrel! I can felt fire burning in my body! From top to toe!
Gan Jeong~
thanks god, problem settled,
we able to celebrate our date like two lovely birds at The Curve.
So dramatic! LoL~ Have our dinner at Italiannies.

No doubt, western restaurants deserve to have more customer in New Year if compared with Eastern restaurants.
Most probably U will also pick to have western foods as what I picked too, right?
Why? I can't figure out an answer for my w-h-y.
okay, not a big deal, it's just because of my curiosity.
No point to screw your brain juice for just answering my stupid question.
After the full-till-the-max dinner, hang around, and we found the countdown stage.
and so, we've decided not to move on anymore, found ourselves a not-so-pack space,
listen to songs, shake our butt, pack with the crowd... ...
" 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!! "
we past our last second of 2009 in the crowd, with the peoplesSsSsSsss.

well, today is 010110. Time to say goodbye to 2009, and welcome 2010
wish ya all, all the best in year Twenty-Ten... ...
Start to fight for your dream if U haven't start it yet!
Life is too short for regretful !
Just like what I've changed in the blog title - is time to Live the Life! =)
*with love*
Happy 1st anniversary to my lil' Bloggie and I!
alright, I can't see U. Banyak SS! =(
*I've done with the novel - Perempuan Kat Atas Pokok Roti
(面包树上的女人)goshh~ I spoil the so-artistic book's title~ haha!
it's a sad ending! =(
新的skin真的很美!!!!!!!! (滿意了吧 xD)
hahaha~ 谢谢你的称赞!可是我又换了!哈哈!~
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