23th is a nice nice date for the bf and I.
He still having his last paper on yesterday, after he settle his last exam,
we went out for... ...celebration, relaxation?
what-so-ever. as long as he is with me. huhu!
I always ♥ Friday~
First Stop - Gilly Cafe to have our lunch.
Second Stop - KLCC
The bf said wanna go Petrosains, so we went there before movie.
yea yea yea~ is Petrosains!
"Are U crazy? Dating in Petrosains = Dating in a science laboratory! Are U both nut!"
hello~ it's kinda fun, we're not mad. seriously, this is another nice place to date!
Some of the photo took in Petrosains, not much of it:

Get off around 5pm, and we're just on time to have our movie.
"500 days of Summer" *He say he's winter! Lmao!
not bad, a love story narrate from men's point of view,no longer just women's love story.
come on, it's time for men to shout out what they think!
Bored with women's love story which full with romantic scene?
or bored with how a boy break a girl's heart?
this will be the best choice if U want to have something different.
Guys will most probably shout:
"Yew~ this girl is such a BITCH!" while watching this movie.
*this is what he said the most in the cinema. XD
3rd Stop - NZX Fullhouse.
A bit weird, if U compare now with before, as U can see,
almost all the shop there have closing down.
Left Fullhouse, the most "ONG" restaurant in the street.
okay, that's non of my business. Have our dinner there, have some chat.
Then we went back around 11ish.
Get a lil' surprise from the bf before I get down from his car!
Shhh.... Gee Gee Gee! U're just so sweet to me babe!
U asked me why I took this photo, U said it doesn't look nice.
but babe, do U remember that U told me the same thing before?
I bet U 've already forget. A short sentences,
but it stands thousand words in my heart, Dumbo! =P
*Hiak Hiak Hiak! no copyright! blek*
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