Stupid Psycho Presentation is on today,
One Idiot in my group told me that he not going to present in last minute.
Good~ How pro... ... U're pretty cool~!
"I don't care the presentation marks, it's only 5 marks, I'm not going to present."
Farker, I dare U to repeat what U said in front of the lecturer again.
If U don't care for the marks, what for U taking this subject?!
Fuck off and just get out from our group.
This is what U did the most, keep on asking:
"So... ... when is our next meeting?"
"So... ... when we gonna discuss?"
"So... ... How is the paperwork?"
"So... ... How is the slide?"
Hey you, Loser! Stop bull shit with your mouth! show me your work, Idiot!!!
What else U expect me to do for U? Bustard!!

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