It's Monday.
Is better for me to stay at home cause it's Mammy Day every Monday.
unless there's any special date.
Am currently at home.
Surfing net, and I have done with reading all blogger's blog.
Believe me, this is the first time I read all blog follow link by link patiently,
found it's fun to know what happen in their daily life,
even though they're just a nobody for me.
I'm addicted with their blog!
From Weiy's blog,
know about the education in Taylor.
She's taking mass communication too. The same course I'm taking.
their syllabus are one hundred thousand times more interesting than mine!
ask me what I've learn in UCSI? haha~
"I know UCSI will blackout every Thursday!" this will be my answer.
I wish to shift to Taylor Badly!
*this will be my 1st birthday wish
Mammy will most probably gimme a big NO because of transport problem.
Daddy! I want a Car! Darn! I wish I can fly~
*this will be my 2nd birthday wish! hiak hiak
(*Ahem, a bit out of topic)
From Fatt's blog,
his grandpa had just passed away, feel bad while reading his post,
the feeling comes to me so randomly, his post remind me my grandma.
I miss my grandma.
this is a bit lame. U might think that I write this out to get attention?
but, who cares?
and last,
From Chingy's blog,
just simply like her shooting skill, and her web page design.
pretty cool and awesome!
and also Ming's blog, another photographer.
She shoots for Belinda C's wedding, one of the 8tv host, how cool !
they run for their dream. Where's mine?
I never work hard for my dream. I'm a big failure. haha~
I'm okay! just wanna share what I'm thinking here.
Sharing is Caring, right? teeehehehe~
*Any nice song to introduce?
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