Last Wednesday dance lesson, damn it, korean song again,
I keep complaining I don't know what the hell she's singing with Bell,
So... ... U can imagine how was the dance lesson that day. Sucks~
PR assignment due date, finally our "baby born" PEACEFULLY... ...
yea, "peacefully" with all capital letters, U get what I meant.
I think is better for me to go and do a body check up. =)
Psycho Mid Term is on the same day, steady Psycho~
I'm thinking is it I should change my course major in Psychology.
found that it's quite interesting to study this subject. LoL.
After exam, went Midvalley with B, Eunice and Gan.
It's Sushi Bonanza, that's the main purpose we went there.

watched Chaw. My Advice: Don't watch it.
So sorry to say, this movie really tak boleh larh!
what I know from this movie is only:
the monster pig trying to kill all the human in a small village,
and the human trying to hunt it.
and yea~ clap* the human win the Pig VS Human war.
Swt! Ending is predictable. Don't ask me why I watch it. Don't!!!
Friday - Yesterday.
Went school to get my PR result, a very tension day.
everyone start getting nervous after they get their internal marks. including me.
Went to school's gym room while waiting for our lecturer marking our paper.
and he give me a surprise. He found me without informing me!
or maybe actually he know I sure will wear red + white? hmm... whateva~
Our first date at KLCC, we planned since last last week if not mistaken.
and Oh yea~ we finally make it! without somebody.
*Daniel Ho, this is specially for U!!! "U FFKK = Fong Fei Kei King!!!!" hmmpp!
U better arrange a date for me!! hiak hiak!
KFC before movie start, that's my brunch at 6pm!
Movie -Whiteout at 6.45pm.
Felt the freezing cold weather in North Pole when watching this movie.
After dinner, have a "night walk" at KLCC garden. huhu!
is kinda relax to walk at there, and have some chat without thinking of others.
Too bad it close at 10pm, we should go earlier next time. I mean... ... MUST! haha
went Segar Night market before he send me back.
that's all for my a-week-routine.
Something to add in here.
Found that lots of my friend are not in good condition recently,
a lot of argue and quarrel happened uncontrollably , hell knows what is going on.
and yesterday night, before B and me get down from car to night market,
we saw a scene that a wife and husband were arguing.
In the situation of Husband sitting in the car, wife standing outside the car.
what so serious? make the wife shout like a mad in the crowded street?
just... ... Dove PEACE~~ ~~ ~~
Peace Peace Peace and say Cheese!
Last, this is really last part of this article,
Promote for my dear friend - Jing.
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this is the chance, I'm sure U can get something thru this website. check it up!
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